Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ)

1. What is a cosmeceutical?

A cosmeceutical product is a topical product used to treat the skin from the outside. It has the unique ability to penetrate into the dermal or living layer of the skin and effect a change from the inside out. The FDA regulates the standard by which a manufacturer or laboratory can call their product a cosmeceutical. The amount of bacterium per unit is less than 10 in a cosmeceutical, compared to less than 3000 bacterium per unit in a standard cosmetic (OTC).

2. Why should I use a cosmeceutical, rather than a cosmetic from the mall or drug store?

If you want to see results that can give you a greater chance of avoiding surgery in the future, a cosmeceutical product is your best hope. There are many studies that prove the efficacy of product ingredients. Search the web for many case studies. Great care is taken when blending ingredients that work together to synthesize the rebuilding of the fibroblast cell and the collagen elastin matrix. These type of products stimulate your body’s own ability to create new collagen, rather than you receiving injections to plump up your skin, when the damage has already occurred. This results in a more natural and longer lasting benefit. Results are cumulative and your skin’s tissue is actually becoming more perfect and healthy, which will result in your skin functioning more properly as the chronological aging process is taking place. You can actually become younger looking as you are aging. & delivery is free worldwide!

3. What is Hyaluronic Acid?

Hyaluronic Acid is often touted for its ability to “reverse” or stop aging. You may have heard that Hyaluronic Acid is the “key to the fountain of youth.” This is because the substance occurs naturally in humans and animals, and is found in young skin, other tissues and joint fluid (also known as glycosaminoglycan or GAG). As you age, the daily bombardments of sun, smoke, UV rays, etc., destroy the ample Hyaluronic Acid. Our products will help to boost your skin’s natural moisture content, in any climate. It works by “pulling” the water from your body and not the surrounding air.

4. What are Glycolic Acid and AHAs?

Alpha Hydroxy Acids (AHA) is really a family of acids. Glycolic is the most widely used because of its small molecular structure. AHA is one of the safest methods of skin renewal. Their effectiveness depends on the type and concentration of the AHA, its pH (acidity) and other ingredients in the product. AHAs become effective at concentrations of about 7% to 8% with a pH of 3.5 to 4.0. Many AHA-containing products have very little skin renewal effects, because the AHA concentrations are too low and the pH too high. The marketed purposes are mainly to smooth fine lines and surface wrinkles, to improve skin texture and tone, to unblock and cleanse pores, to improve oily skin or acne and to improve skin condition in general. In reality, they do increase the turnover of the skin cells and enhance the rebuilding of collagen and elastin, plus improve the internal moisture-holding properties of GAGs and proteoglycans. With long-term use, AHAs alleviate fine to moderate wrinkles and remove many skin lesions, such as weathered skin, freckling, blotchy pigmentation, sun damage, age spots, mild acne scars, benign overgrowths of skin and flat warts. They appear to work by causing an increased skin peeling of the lesion plus an irritation around the lesion. In time, the lesion becomes smaller and is replaced by normal, healthy skin.

Is Glycolic Acid safe?

Yes. It is a 100% non-toxic substance, which does not enter the blood stream when applied to your skin. It has FDA approval in smaller concentrations for the general public. It is not considered a drug and there are no bad side effects when used according to directions. It does have sun precautions that should be followed closely. A broad spectrum block is recommended daily.

6. How can Glycolic Acid help my skin problems, when so many other products have failed?

Your other products don’t help because they simply cannot penetrate into your skin. You first have to understand some basic knowledge regarding your skin’s structure to really understand why the other products haven’t been working. The epidermis is the tough outer layer of skin, made up of individual dead cells called squamous. These cells are continuously shed as the new cells work their way up from below. The outermost layer of these squamous cells become its own layer: the stratum corneum. Glycolic Acid’s main function is to exfoliate this dead layer of squamous cells. The dermis is the second layer in. It is responsible for the skin’s elasticity (elastin) and strength (collagen). The sebaceous is the fatty layer, which also contains most of your hair follicles. The average skin care product ingredients can only treat the outermost layer (squamous) of the skin cells, since their molecular structures are too large to actually penetrate into the epidermis, let alone the dermis. Since these products can’t really dig in and help your skin’s structure, they just sit on top and temporarily improve the skin’s look by plumping and smoothing the dead squamous cells. This is the case with most all cosmetic products purchased from beauty counters at the mall. There are only two skin care substances which have molecules small enough to penetrate this top layer and do some real structural good. The most popular, because of its excellent function, is Alpha Hydroxy Acid or Glycolic Acid. Once the Glycolic Acid penetrates through the layers of skin, it can help to keep the hair follicles cleared of built up squamous cells, thus reducing the blockages that cause acne in many individuals. Also, it can trigger the formation of new elastin cells and collagen. After using Glycolic Acid, the skin will have a much smoother look and feel from the inside out. Accordion Content will be here

7. How do Alpha Hydroxy Acids really work?

AHSs break the bonds between weakened skin cells, making it easy to exfoliate them and encourage the production of new cells. *In a clinical study conducted at Hahnemann University School of Medicine in Pennsylvania, it was determined that using a Glycolic treatment (containing at least 25% Glycolic Acid) led to an increase in skin thickness, improved quality of elastic fibers and an increased density of collagen. Accordion Content will be here

8. Will my pores actually shrink?

Dirt, dead cells, makeup and other substances can form a plug in the pore. This plug (commonly called a blackhead) stretches the opening of the follicle. When the plug is removed, the follicle becomes smaller. During a series of deep pore cleansing facial treatments, hundreds of enlarged follicles are cleansed and as a result, the pores close, giving the complexion a more refined appearance.

9. Should I avoid sun exposure while using Glycolic Acid products?

You should always wear a broad spectrum SUNBLOCK to prevent photo damage. The FDA also recommends that you wear SUNBLOCK the entire duration of any Glycolic treatment and for one week after completion. Your new, baby fresh skin needs to be protected. Accordion Content will be here

10. What should I expect within the first few days of using Glycolic Acid products?

As the dead cell layer sloughs off, your skin may appear slightly drier than normal. Once the transition is made, your complexion will appear more youthful and radiant.

11. When can I expect my acne to improve?

As Glycolic Acid clears and cleanses pores, acne may initially appear to be slightly more active. Remember, the Glycolic’s job is to cleanse the pores of excess dead skin and sebrum. You already have acne forming under your skin that you aren’t even aware of yet. It generally takes three weeks for the clogged pore to come to the surface and be seen and felt. Since you are removing the outer layers of skin at a faster pace, the blemishes that were one, two or three weeks away will come up quicker. You have to give your skin time to work these clogged pores up to the surface. Once these are out, your skin should show marked improvement (usually within three to four weeks). **See our ACNE TREATMENT recommendations. Accordion Content will be here

12. How often should I use an Astringent Toner during the week, between professional peels?

Use only when needed on oily spots or to deep clean an area. Leave on--do not rinse.

13. What happens if I stop using the Glycolic products?

The results you achieved from the Glycolic Acid products will not immediately disappear. However, if a maintenance program is not implemented, the dead cell layer will once again build up and the original problem will reoccur. **See our MAINTENANCE PROGRAM recommendations.

14. I have never had a chemical (Glycolic Acid) peel before. I want to see results, but do not want to irritate my skin. I am 43 and have fairly good skin (medium complexion), but want to improve evenness in skin tone, firmness and brightness, while diminishing fine lines. What can you suggest?

If you have sensitive type skin, I would suggest starting off with a Professional strength peel of 30%. Use the Glycolic Cleanser and then the Peptide Face Firm Step 1. The acid will get rid of the layers of dead skin cells and also help to even out the complexion and lessen visible lines. The Power Peptide will also really improve the color and texture of your skin. It will also make your skin create new collagen and elastin fibers to replace the damaged ones that break down over the years. You may consider doing a series of peels followed by Light Therapy. Accordion Content will be here

15. I just turned 50 and I seem to have a run down, tired look all the time from the bags and sags around my eyes.

The Eye Therapy and the Power Peptide Face Firm are a great combination. Together they help to tighten up the eye area. If you also have dark circles, you can add the Vitamin K. (Dab on the Vitamin K, do not rub.) The Copper Peptide will tell your skin to regenerate new collagen and elastin fibers to replace the ones that have been damaged by time and free radicals. The Eye Stress Therapy replaces the lipids which are lost with age in the delicate eye area.

16. I am 33 and have battled acne since I was 12. I have been using the proactive system for a few years and it has helped keep the acne down, but not gone. I seem to just be having a different kind of acne now that my skin is getting older. I still have a very oily t-zone, but my skin feels tight and looks dry. I have large, clogged black heads and a lot of small, hard white heads that do not come to the surface. I also tried Retin A at night with minimal success.

I would suggest that you start off with a series of Salicylic Peels followed by Blue Light Therapy. Use the Salicylic Cleanser at home am/pm, followed by the Peptid and the O.R.A.C. Do a peel one time a week. You can use a Toner, if needed, in the oily areas until the oil is regulated. The Blue Light helps to kill the bacteria that cause acne. The Salicylic penetrates deep into the pores to keep it clean. Once you break the cycle, you can keep a clear complexion with daily maintenance. If you have scarring from previous breakouts, you may need several Red Light Therapy treatments to repair the damage and rebuild the collagen and elastin matrix.

17. I have always tanned in a bed or real sun and the sun has taken its toll. I am noticing the lines and wrinkles that every woman hates. The firmness is starting to go and I’m getting worried that I have waited too long to start correcting these problems.

It is generally never too late! If you are willing to learn and be consistent with your routine at home, you should see results that will excite you. Others will notice your progress also. I can suggest a few excellent products that are geared towards your issues. Start with a series of Professional Peels followed by Light Therapy. At home, use the Glycolic Cleanser, O.R.A.C., Eye Stress Therapy and Power Peptide Face Firm. The Glycolic cleanser will exfoliate all the dead skin build up and stimulate collagen. The Power Peptide will then help to lessen any spots and lines. (It will actually rebuild collagen and elastin in your skin—tightening and firming it.) The O.R.A.C. will refine your pores and protect from free radical damage. It is a very strong anti-oxidant--3666 units. Most anti-oxidants that are considered to be strong are in the range of 500 to 600 units. The Eye Stress Therapy will repair the damage to the delicate eye area and keep it hydrated with the lipids, which we lose as we age. Always wear your SUNBLOCK to protect against any further damage.

18. I am 57 years old and would love to get rid of the wrinkles, or make them less noticeable. I do have deep crow’s feet and aging lines around my mouth. I do use a product with Lactic Acid, because of my sensitive skin. I would like to use something stronger for my face and eye area. What do you suggest?

The Power Peptide is great for treating aging problems. It has the ability to create more new collagen in your skin than Vitamin C or Retin A. Actually, 70% of all users note a significant increase in collagen with the first month of use. I would recommend that you start off with a series of Light Therapy treatments. At home you will use the Glycolic Cleanser, Power 5 Peptide Face Firm, Ellagic Ultra Moisturizer, Eye Stress Therapy and the SUNBLOCK. If you have dark circles, also use the Vitamin K.

19. I have very bad scars from cystic acne. How can I get rid of these scars or discolored marks from the past?

I would suggest you start with a series of Blue Light Therapy, if you are still experiencing breakouts regularly. If all that remains is the scaring, then the Red Light Therapy and some products for your daily use at home. The Salicylic cleanser (if you still break out or have clogged pores), Power Peptide Face Firm will help to repair the discoloration and rebuild the collagen and elastin. The Red Light Therapy will help to correct discolorations or hyper-pigmentation of the skin and stimulate collagen synthesis. You can also spot treat with professional Glycolic Acid peels. This will help to break up the deep scars and allow the Peptides to rebuild newer, healthy tissue. Be patient, this is a gradual but cumulative process. Also, wear SUNBLOCK.

20. I have combination skin. I also have wrinkles and visible pores. What can I do to have more radiant or youthful looking skin?

Our products are cosmeceuticals, which means they are not cosmetics. They will effect a change in your skin at the cellular level. Our products are formulated with a pH level of the skin or lower, to allow for deeper penetration into your skin. These are the same strength as found in a Doctor’s office or a dermatologist’s office. All the ingredients are also guaranteed to be listed on the bottles, as well as the medical symbol and the pH. Usually, if the pH is not on the label, the manufacturer has not tested it. You should be concerned, if it is not listed. I would suggest a Glycolic Peel and Light Therapy (quite possibly you may need a series of treatments). Products for your daily use would be Salicylic Cleanser, Power Peptide, Vitamin A, O.R.A.C. and SUNBLOCK. Salicylic Cleanser will help to keep your pores cleaned out. Power Peptide will help to regenerate new collagen and elastin fibers. Vitamin A will help to repair wrinkles and lines and reduce age spots. O.R.A.C. is a very powerful anti-oxidant (3666 units). Enrich with Emblica and Hyaluronic Acid, which leaves skin glowing, toned and soft after just a few applications. I would use during the day to protect and at night to repair. You should notice improvements in a short time. Results will be cumulative.